c-Jays, the helmet of the North

The Jays had manufacturer known for its headset-Ear Jays d-and q-Jays. The manufacturers put on the quality of its products, and is distinguished by the level of its equipment packs. It recidivism, and increases its presence in France, with the c-helmet Jays. It also abandons any unintended intrusion in our ears (I admit not a big fan of in-ear).
C-Jays helmet is a semi-open breathing quality. At 120 euros, we are hoping no less. The plastics are solid without coming aggravate weight. With 73 grams, the headset is very light and comfortable port. Comfort enhanced by the provision of three games pads square (.. Ah. Swedish design when we take you). At each of choosing the most appropriate size. The equipment does not stop there. C-Jays comes with a small bag (c-Jays is a foldable headset), an adapter mini-jack/gros-jack, an auxiliary audio jack and an adapter for airplanes.
The audio quality is there. Like many helmets Sound, c-jays slightly favors the grave. Without opt for monitors control, we would have preferred greater neutrality. Not everything is perfect. The wire connection is ridiculously small. And this is not the extension provided that improves things. They are satisfied when used with a player, but listening to a computer or a chain is very acrobatic. C-Jays are a good pair of headphones original design and discreet. Too bad it costs too expensive.
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